add icons

This commit is contained in:
Late Night Defender 2023-07-16 01:44:35 +07:00
parent 33c906b01e
commit 5abe791399
48 changed files with 123 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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icons/Adwaita/check.svg Normal file
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icons/Adwaita/clock.svg Normal file
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icons/Adwaita/cross.svg Normal file
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icons/Adwaita/edit.svg Normal file
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icons/Adwaita/flag.svg Normal file
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icons/Adwaita/left.svg Normal file
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icons/Adwaita/map.svg Normal file
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icons/Adwaita/minus.svg Normal file
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icons/Adwaita/pin.svg Normal file
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icons/Adwaita/plus.svg Normal file
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icons/Adwaita/right.svg Normal file
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icons/Material/walk.svg Normal file
View file

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