Update app icon and desktop files

This commit is contained in:
Late Night Defender 2023-10-04 01:09:57 +07:00
parent 724acf89fa
commit e32e3ae760
5 changed files with 154 additions and 130 deletions

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# count # Count
A description of this project. Number counting app in Python + GTK4 + LibAdwaita

View file

@ -1,130 +1,149 @@
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@ -1 +1,6 @@
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
[Desktop Entry] [Desktop Entry]
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View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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"app-id" : "org.techtransthai.Count", "app-id" : "org.techtransthai.Count",
"runtime" : "org.gnome.Platform", "runtime" : "org.gnome.Platform",
"runtime-version" : "master", "runtime-version" : "45",
"sdk" : "org.gnome.Sdk", "sdk" : "org.gnome.Sdk",
"command" : "count", "command" : "count",
"finish-args" : [ "finish-args" : [